Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

Building Your Inner Peace on a Chaotic World (Original)


     As Buddha says, "Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think." These words absolutely hit me home. It reminded me of one of the most nerve-wracking moment of my life. I grew up in a chaotic family. There were fight and tears everyday at my childhood home. However, the worst of all was my father. He had a mentally and emotionally abusive behavior. It was so obvious that he had a lot of rage bottled up inside and it oozed up whenever he wished. His sayings were so heartbreaking. Because of his temper, I had to work so hard to do my best at school. Nonetheless, he was not pleased. He was still negative. His temper has been tampering my inner peace of hearts and minds. As a result, I was stressed out, had negative thoughts, away from peace, and had a low level of self-esteem.

       Years went by, my silver linings came by. I realized to just let him be. Later on, I learnt that his abusive manner was all caused by unresolved issues he had. His abusive manner was a wake-up call for me to work on my inner peace. I figured out that I could get my own peace by just stop thinking negatively about anything. I let myself to feel and immersed into the present. After such a long time, my inner piece I built for my hearts and minds came fruitful. I become happy and oozing a beatifically presence to everyone I meet. I also start doing good things for me and my community. The peace helps me to be a better person on a chaotic world.

You might wonder this question, "What does building inner peace of hearts and souls mean for all of us?" From my experience, I could tell that by building your inner peace means you release all of the negativity in your head. As a result, you are becoming a brand new and positive person.

Being peaceful in hearts and minds also means that we successfully practice mindfulness. By being mindful, you live and accept every sensation happening in the present. You are aware that the more you think negatively, the more you lose your sense of peace. Moreover, you will keep your peace.

By being building your peace in hearts and minds it also means that you contribute to society. You contribute for better condition of people's life. By contributing to your community, you will see different things happening from every angle. You will meet people of every walk of life. It will open your mind, stop your biased preconceived notions, and make you compassionate of other people. Finally it gives you peace because you can share your pain and make it a priceless lesson for anyone who might hear your story.

By constructing your peace from scratch, you are able to learn and grow as an individual that has loving attitude, high empathy and compassion which is good for the world. The world gets more chaotic because of lacking of peace inside of the hearts and minds. Once we feel peaceful, we would be able to contribute the world our piece of peace that we have been working on. We would preach the world that by working on your peace helps you to resolve your unfinished issues. Moreover, we will get better on everything we do because we become more careful on doing something. Therefore, we also will transform this sad and chaotic world to be a friendlier place for creating better environment of every aspect of living creature's life. We will get our problem solved by having peace in mind. We will stop acting foolish because we are settled to think peacefully and carefully.

As we can conclude that we have to let go of everything out of our control, go on mindfulness-mode, and give the world contribution from our peace. The most important is that by building your peace in your hearts and minds, you contribute for the creation of better world. My last words for you would be: "Let it go and be peaceful."


My own experience
My own drawing (for the illustrations)

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